Evil Genius Digital التطبيقات

Marketers Guide To Instagram 1.0
Evil Genius Digital
Discover How To Establish Your OnlinePresence,Reach More People And Increase Revenue Using The PowerofInstagram.Are you tired of struggling to get traffic?Sure, it’s easy to find paid traffic sources online, butmanymarketers just can’t afford to invest in paid traffic…Maybe this describes you?Unfortunately, many paid traffic sources have a HUGE learningcurvebefore you can generate traffic and turn a profit.Let’s face it… most paid traffic expensive…The other problem many marketers face with paid traffic isgettingit to convert…Unfortunately, many of the affordable paid traffic sources outthereprovide low quality traffic…Even if you’re only paying a penny or two per click, if itdoesn’tconvert… you’re wasting your time and money.What About FREE Traffic?Marketers that don’t want to spend money on paid traffic ordon’tfeel comfortable trying to navigate the learning curve withpaidtraffic sources often look at starting with freetrafficsources…Although this can make a lot of sense, many of the freetrafficmethods out there can take a lot of time before you begin toseeany results…Not to mention, most of the free traffic methods you seebeingtaught online hinge on Google and search enginerankings.Although getting to the first page of Google sounds like a GREATwayto generate tons of high-quality traffic, it’s hard todo.At this point driving traffic, especially for free may soundalittle hopeless.The good news is, there’s a social website that is greatfordriving FREE, high-converting traffic…This site is extremely popular, but its use for trafficgenerationis somewhat unknown by many marketers and businesseslooking todrive traffic…Because of this, the opportunity is HUGE for wise marketersandbusiness owners that seize the opportunity and start usingthissite for traffic generation NOW.You’ve likely heard of it and probably use it frequently…In case you’re not familiar with Instagram, I’ll give you aquickoverview of how it works and why the opportunity is HUGE!When you go online, do you ever look at photos or videos orsharephotos and videos with friends and family?That’s what Instagram is ALL about…Photo and video sharing amongst friends, family, and peoplewithcommon interests is getting more and more popular online…Instagram makes sharing photos and videos across multiplesocialnetworking sites fast and easy.And that’s not all…Instagram uses “hashtags” to make it easy to label contentsoothers can find it by doing a simple search…You may already know all of this, but here’s why it’ssoimportant.Obviously, there’s a lot of people using Instagram on adailybasis…Plus, Instagram’s User Engagement RateIs Through the Roof!!User engagement on Instagram is 15 TIMES greater thanFacebookand 20 TIMES great than engagement among Twitter users…Those are numbers are HUGE…Why?Because, engaged users are more likely to be targeted, click,andultimately take action, like opting into a list or makingapurchase…This makes Instagram the PERFECT platform for driving hordesofhigh-quality, converting traffic.Unfortunately, There Is A Problem…There’s a right way and a wrong way to use Instagram…Although there’s more FREE traffic than you could everwantavailable on Instagram, if you don’t set things up correctly,youcould find yourself failing to get any of it!If you come off as a spammer or do things the wrong way,youcould run the risk of getting your account banned.Which one would you prefer?When you do things the right way, generating massive trafficlikeyou see in the first example is VERY doable… for ANYONE…regardlessof past experience or skill set.It’s obvious there is a HUGE opportunity to profit with Instagramifyou know what you’re doing.Check out this easy-to-follow ebook that will teach you howtobecome an EXPERT at generating tons of free trafficwithInstagram...
Beginners Guide to Pinterest 1.0
Evil Genius Digital
Often referred to as the 'visualtwitter',Pinterest has become massively popular and is increasinglyused astool for marketing as well as simply being a place to lookatpictures of cool stuff.This guide can show you how you can use Pinterest for buildingyourbusiness, generating traffic to your websites and even helpwithevent promotion.
Affiliate Marketing Success 1.0
Evil Genius Digital
Have you ever thought of running yourownaffiliate business to generate massive income on your own?If you are on your track now, have you ever encountered aseriesof problems which don’t allow you to move forward?I understand that it’s frustrating to see nothing onyourdashboard and you don’t deserve to receive nothing in returnafterpaying so much effort and hard work! It’s time for you toturnaround the table and get serious paycheck INSTANTLY!The method is not as complicated as you might think. Infact,it’s ridiculously simple enough for you to follow.This blueprint will coach you on the methods step by step. Andthen,you can build up your own subscribers list and getinstantcommission for each product you promote as an affiliate.Regardlessof day time or night time, you can generate incomeanytime as longas there is a deal done through your affiliatelink!After getting your business on track, you can promoteyourselffrom a Regular Affiliate to a Super Affiliate who cangenerate atleast a 5 figure income per month! This blueprint willreveal allthe essential steps you need to take to become one!Have You Tried All The Tricks You Learned From TheSo-Called“Experts”, But Nothing Seemed To Work?I bet you have already tried the popular ways to operateyouraffiliate business provided by the “experts”. So, tell me,aftertrying out the methods one by one, is your “experiment”successful?If your “experiment” has failed, what is the majorproblem of yourfailure?This is not surprising that the methods that fail you arenotprofitable.Feeling Lost? Confused? Frustrated?In fact, everyone did lose their direction for a certainperiodwhere they feel like online business isn’t a game theycanplay.In case you are undergoing the same terrible matters and feellikegoing back to take a job, don’t give up yet!This guide has gathered the information and essence you needforkicking off a successful affiliate business. This isdefinitelycost way much lower than it seems!
List Building For Profit 1.0
Evil Genius Digital
"Are You Struggling To Get A HandfulOfReliable Customers? Want To Solidify Your Place In The MarketByBuilding Your Email List? Do You Want To Create Instant TrafficAndGain Exposure To Targeted Leads? "Now You Can Have Instant Access to Ready-Made Customers andMakeHuge Profits!Did you know that the Email Marketing niche isgrowingexponentially? According to a survey conducted byEconsultancy in2011, 72% of the people surveyed said that theyearned excellent orgood Return of Investment (ROI) from emailmarketingpromotions.Also, according to Datran Media’s 2010 Annual Marketing andMediaSurvey, 39.4% of industry executives consider email marketingto bethe strongest advertising channel for marketingtheirbusiness.This is why today marketers are focusing more on buildinghugemailing lists.Grow a Huge List and Earn Massive Profit From ItAccording a survey conducted by BtoB Magazine in 2011, 63% ofthepeople surveyed said that they intended to increase theirspendingon email marketing and 29% said that they were trying tokeep thespeed constant.So, what are you waiting for? Build your mailing listtoday,generate instant traffic of reliable customers and earnhugeprofits.Do You Need to Build Lists?Here are some of the major benefits of list building:Save thousands of precious dollars by creating a huge emailcampaignwithout writing a single word yourself.Solidify your place in the market by building awarenessandconfidence with your email list. Make sure to do this from theveryfirst day.This is the easiest and fastest way of making money online,despiteof the nature of the market you are dealing with.Systematic and simple way to maximize your income, lists helpinorganizing the email addresses and names of your mostpotentialcustomers for easy access.Get help in gaining more repeat and reliable buyers, who arethebackbone of every business. The more reliable customers youhave,the more will be your chances of having successfulsales.Send your potential customers the most important informationaboutyour services and products.Build good relationships with your regular, new andpotentialcustomers and thus create a sense of cooperation andteamwork,which benefits all the parties in the long run.Get an educational tool that keeps your customers updated aboutyourcompany and products. The more your customers will trust you,themore they will purchase from you.The benefits of list building are innumerable. It is agreatmarketing tool for everyone, irrespective of their productsorservices. Build your list today and reap theprofitstomorrow.